Simulation Facilities & Resources
JIBC offers state-of-the-art resources for conducting simulations, including the Dr. Donald B. Rix Public Safety Simulation Building and the award-winning Praxis computer simulation technology. Using these and other resources, JIBC incorporates simulations in programs and courses across the Institute, as well as in customized contract training.
JIBC has worked with government agencies and private industry to produce simulation scenarios of catastrophic events and critical incidents.
Dr. Donald B. Rix Public Safety Simulation Building
Located at the New Westminster campus, the Dr. Donald B. Rix Public Safety Simulation Building is a purpose-built facility designed for the delivery of immersive, interactive, problem-based experiential computer simulation scenarios.
The building includes six specially designed and equipped rooms adjoining a central meeting room with large screens for projection of information, plus a control room that digitally monitors and directs the delivery of simulations.